Feb 27, 2011 | Howie Pruden | 733 views
Lightning & Devilettes Tie game 1
Saugeen travelled to London for the start of the second series and both goaltenders threw shut outs to knot the series at a point per team.
Game 2 is at Howich Saturday March 5th at 2 pm and game 3 is London Sunday March 6 at Western Fairgrounds.
Saugeen carried the majority of the game and out shot London 26-11 with 11 shots in the third period alone. Saugeen put the puck in the net in the third but was called back after a gloved pass call. The refs let the girls play and neither team had any penalties though there could have been a couple on either side.
London and Saugeen match well and this being the 5th game of the year it was typical of the series. Close checking, good goal tending, low scoring and clean play by both teams.