Apr 19, 2018 | mbrooks | 885 views
Atom A Tryout Update
Thank you to those who attended Atom A tryouts. The tryout list has been posted on the Tryout Player List. If you do not see your name on the tryout list, you have been released. Thank you for choosing Saugeen Maitland, and good luck next season.
The following players will be playing in Saturday's game in Goderich at 4pm in Goderich,
Makayla F, Alexa M, Harlee S, Tava L, Isabelle M, Thea W, Lorelai G, Micayla D, Alexa M, Kennedy B, Alexis G, Avery F, Clair D, Emma M, Nora G, Marlee S, Laila W.