Intermediates end first season on a High note, News, Intermediate A, 2014-2015 (Saugeen Maitland Lightning)

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This Team is part of the 2014-2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Mar 22, 2015 | Howie Pruden | 1484 views
Intermediates end first season on a High note
Saugeen traveled to Toronto this weekend for Provincials and ended up with a win and 2 losses. SML lost the first two games 3-1 in the pool , both times pulling the goal tender in the final minute looking for the tying goal and getting scored upon. Both games we had lots of chances but could not get a second goal...

Game three we played Vaughan who needed a win to move on and Saugeen jumped to a 3 goal lead into the third...Vaughan turned up the heat and scored 2 and pulled the goal tender but Kendra Schultz hit the open net to cement the win 4 - 2. 

" Our goal this first year was to be 500 and get to League playoffs. We ended up winning Gold in the Bauer tournament and bronze in Cambridge and making the playoffs.  We had a great year despite injuries and work / school schedules. Many thanks to our team who were awesome and my coaching staff, Dave Herman, Dean Armstrong along with Trainer Geri Nelson and manager Terri  Junker." 

We will enter a team in 2015 -2016 which will play 7 tournaments through out the year including Provincials where we will enter as again an A team. We will plan to play one tournament per month. We will play a dozen ex games and a few practises prior to tournaments...We will be a tournament team and not play LLFHL season. Look to play 35 games in total depending on how tournaments go...

Try outs are August 23 and 24th in Ayton.  Cost per player will be $1,000 per player. This covers all costs and you can fund raise the total amount.   Any question please contact me. I will be coaching the team again this next season.

Howie Pruden
[email protected]
519-291-7373 cell