Jul 04, 2014 | Howie Pruden | 876 views
Bantam A looking for 3-4 players
After a 2 year absence Saugeen has entered a Bantam A in the 2014-2015 LLFHL season.
" We are excited with our team going into this season having so many AA players from last years teams and looking to add a couple of spots in the fall tryouts." 3 years ago the Bantam A won their LLFHL division and played in the quarters of the Provincials.
Fall try outs for the Bantam A team is Tuesday Aug 26th 6 to 7:30 pm in Ayton and Thursday Aug 28th 6 to 7:30 pm in Ayton
We are looking for a D and 2 forwards to fill the roster. There will be no fee for the try out. Please feel free to call Head Coach Johnny Gouthro on his cell 519-385-0208 with any questions regarding try outs or about Saugeen Maitland.
Players from Bantam A team will get called up to play with the Bantam AA team as needed and the teams will have combined practises from time to time...
Practise times for Bantam A are Tuesday 6:30 to 8 pm in Howick and Thursday's in Belmore from 6:30 to 8 pm. All games are on the weekends and the team will play 4-5 tournaments. The registration fee is $2200 per player which includes wind suits and all tournament fees. You have a opportunity to fund raise all the registration fee as well.
Saugeen Maitland is rated in the top 10 Organizations in Women's Hockey in Canada.